Wednesday, November 12, 2008

BORN ON A SUNDAY 11/5 - 11/15

Sabrina Whyte
Major: BFA, Studio Art

"WOSE Ghanami (You look Ghanian)"
Black and white photograph
Series of 8 pieces

Boyang Hou

James Donovan

Kristy Lee O'Neill

Barbara Fitz-

Ani Simon-Kennedy
Major: BA "Participatory Art Projects in the Developing World" Gallatin 2008

The animation shortIn collaboration with Barb Fitz 2007

Tracey Goodman and Jennifer Gustavson 10/21 - 11/1

Tracey Goodman
"Untitled (pink parchment)"
7 x 4 ft, plywood panels and hand-dyed parchment

Jennifer Gustavson
"progress #2"
birch plywood and found objects
dimensions variable