Melissa Alvey
Viviana Arena
Athena Castillo
Shawn Clod
Krystall Cooper
Heather Foster
Amy Fuks
Kathryn Harmon
Elia Khalaf
HSin-Yi Lee
Christina Mazzei
Kathryn Moreno
Sarah Mosteller
Tiffany Pollack
Rachel Protter
Veli Sadku
Bettina Sementilli
Jennifer Sever
Jena Sherito
Hanna Shon
Gabriella Silverstein
Elizabeth Smith
Celeste Walters
Beatriz Williams
"The Phoenix"
Athena Castillo
"in regarde, en garde, to discard"
veli sadiku
"Self Portrait"
Melissa Alvey
Melissa Alvey
Melissa Alvey
"The art is more than its product: Decoding symbolism and interaction"
Melissa Alvey
Viviana Arenas
"The space between her hands"
Kathryn Moreno
Bettina Sementelli
Rahcel Protter
Beatriz Williams
Shawn Clod
"they only see one side"
Katie Harmon
Rohita Kilachand
"Empty Vessel"
Celeste Walter
"Pink Mama (2018)"
Tiffany Pollack
Gabriella Silverstein
"Empty Promises"
Athena Castillo
Sarah Mosteller
Amy Fuks
Amy Fuks
"Good Faith"
Hanna Shon
"My Name"
Hanna Shon
"Living with trauma"
Hasin-Yi Lin
"Inner Piece"
Beatriz Williams
Amy Fuks
Jennifer Sever
Liz Smith
"Heaviness and Lightness"
Hanna Shon
"Art history as told by Grandma"
Liz Smith
Liz Smith
Jena Shellito
Heather Foster
Christina Mazzei
Elia Khalaf
Brynnah McFarland
"Mask and Environment"
Leah Danze
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